If “Make America Great Again” or “America First” is something you agree with or something you live by, the web is no longer a place where you can speak freely or operate your American small business. Unless of course, you agree with all of the restrictions being placed on you every day and you`re able to stand idly by as our education system is corrupted, our general public is brainwashed and others who use their God-given ability to be critical thinkers are digitally murdered and wiped from existence.
The web is setup for most of us to lose, but I`m not telling you something you don`t already know. You know that legacy media networks are acting like Beijing`s state-ran media and you realize they`re steadily brainwashing the masses. It`s why you`ve lost your Facebook page and it`s why you`re banned from Twitter. It`s why millions of you have moved on to other services like Parler: because as an American patriot, you had to speak up. You had to say something. It`s the American way, right? We The People have the last say. Sadly, the other side doesn`t believe that anymore. Look at the election and what is unfolding online. If you say something, you`re “fact-checked” by a third-party service and deemed to be a right-wing conspiracy-loving, orange-man-supporting lunatic. If you vote, your vote is replaced with the candidate they want you to vote for or they simply submit a mail-in ballot for you without your consent. Oh damn, there goes our Medium page.
They don`t simply want to tell you what you can say or who you vote for, they want to determine what you see and ultimately what you believe. Recently, in a Wired Magazine interview, Johanna Wright, one of YouTube`s vice presidents of product management, was quoted as stating, “We noticed that some people were watching things that we weren`t happy with them watching.” This isn`t Ms. Wright`s belief alone, it`s what brought Google to start pushing specific kinds of videos down in the ranking and even going as far as to remove those videos from their site. You could say that it`s Google`s right to control the content of their website — it`s their website after all, right?
You know what, aside from the fact that they`re mostly removing videos that debunk their own conspiracy theories of climate change — or videos that expose politicians from the Democrat party as pedophiles — it doesn`t take away from the fact that is their right to clean their own house. While YouTube may be Google`s house, this goes much deeper than it appears on the surface — they really want to tell you what you can put in your own house. By that, I mean your own websites, your own apps and your own stores. Don`t believe me? Look no further than the alternatives to the state-ran social networks of America, namely Parler and Gab.
Parler is able to “purchase” a domain name (i.e. parler.com) and can build their own application (i.e., a social network) that can maintain its own content policies, which ultimately allow users to say what they want. Their application is made available via a hosting company and can be accessed via a user`s Internet Service Provider. Parler is able to pay the fees for their domain and hosting service via donations, which are accepted via a merchant service provider like PayPal or Chase Paymentech. Sounds normal right? Ask Parler`s competitor, Gab, that question. Gab had its domain temporarily taken from them, their hosting service temporarily shut off and recently, their merchant services provider told them to kick rocks. Sure, Gab finally found a new domain registrar and a web hosting provider that was willing to deal with their personal policies, and even found a merchant services provider that would keep their premium service alive — but that`s beside the point. The left and big tech are clearly beginning their attack on YOUR house. Just like their own house, as well as our election system, they`ll eventually refine, perfect and master the process, and we`re not far from that becoming a reality.
I predicted what would happen to Gab years ago and I`m again about to predict where all of this is headed in the very near future. Big tech is scared of the “America First” assembly. The American left hates you — the true American — and wants to force you into buying the products and services of the companies that invest in their political ventures, companies that are by no coincidence, the largest companies in America — companies you hate. The left and the Google`s of the world are salivating over the potential of a Biden administration enacting Net Neutrality laws and kicking all of you small online companies to the curb. And don`t kid yourself — they will. The pennies all of you collectively spend on domain names and web hosting don`t mean anything to them. Don`t worry, you`ll still be able to have your own online presence — under their terms and policies of course. You`ll still be able to sell your products online, as long as you shut up and place this BLM banner on the top of your website. Don`t laugh, I`m serious. If I told you two years ago that state governors would shut down your companies and churches through executive orders — you would have called me a liar right? Ok then, it`s time to realize that we`re living in bizarre times and the opposition is no longer hiding their weird and disturbing need to control us. That`s why the web is their next stop — it`s the last place our voices and businesses can still freely (somewhat) exist.
Their web takeover won`t simply work — it will be a tremendous success for the left — in that there won`t be a single video or website on the traditional web that appears to oppose their beliefs. And if there is, it won`t last long. If you think that`s a conspiracy theory, you obviously haven`t listened to a second of big tech`s Senate hearings, where many Democrat law makers made it perfectly clear that big tech simply isn`t censoring “enough.” Those very same law makers will be drafting the Net Neutrality regulations under a Biden administration, which will also utilize the FCC to go after every conservative podcast, radio show and news website in existence. They`ll also utilize Internet Service Providers to censor specified domains that somehow bypass their controls via offshore domain registrars and hosting providers. So how is this possible and what can be done about it?
You have to understand the underlying parts that power the web itself, to truly dissect the problem. Let`s start with domains. Domain names are ultimately controlled by ICANN (Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers) and they determine who can become a registrar (i.e. GoDaddy), which are the only American companies that provide the facilities for domain name registration. Each of those companies have their own policies for customers, all of which must fall inline with ICANN`s policies. Once ICANN elects to enact policies that restrict the Constitutional rights of domain owners is the day that apps like Parler must restrict the speech of their users, or risk losing their domain name. Sure, there are decentralized domain names out there like “.bit” but they face two problems. One, they cannot be resolved via web browser like Safari or Chrome without additional tools and, like centralized domains, only resolve to IP addresses or other canonical names that ultimately do the same. That brings me to the next part: IP addresses, web hosting companies and Internet Service Providers.
The physical and data link layers of the Internet are what allow one computer to access another. Computers (including servers) are able to locate each other by IP address. Without domain names, you can still access a website or an application via that IP address. Although it`s inconvenient, it`s still possible. The American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN) and ICANN oversee the delegation of these IP addresses, where specific Internet Service Providers are allocated large blocks of these numbers (thousands of addresses), which they then delegate to customers like you, as well as enterprise customers like web hosting providers. Internet Service Providers and ARIN are able to do with IP addresses what ICANN is able to do with domain names: create policies that force users of an IP address to conform to their rules, or simply lose the access they provide to the Internet. For web hosting providers, this means policing and forcing their customers to abide by unconstitutional policies or have their website or web application taken offline. It`s very unlikely ISPs would block Internet access for non-enterprise customers like you and I, although they could control what we are able to access (the domains and IP addresses we can access via their service).
So yes, to control online companies, ICANN and ARIN would simply have to adjust their policies so that they could force the domain registrars and web hosting companies beneath them to abide by those policies, or lose their ability register domain and host websites. Lets not forget how easy it is for companies like PayPal to simply turn off Parler`s ability to accept payments for their services. Sure, decentralized cryptocurrencies are a great solution to that issue, but most companies have no idea how to integrate Bitcoin as a payment choice and have to rely on third party crypto payment processing services (i.e. Coinbase Commerce) to simplify the process. Don`t worry, thanks to the Securities and Exchange Commission`s (SEC) all-out assaults' on companies that enable cryptocurrency exchange and payments, these companies are now highly regulated as well… controlled by leftists in San Francisco and New York City who were “allowed” by the SEC to take the lead. Don`t worry! We can trust Wall Street! Surely you didn`t forget about Facebook starting their own currency or PayPal now accepting Bitcoin! Say what? I didn`t stutter. For crying out loud, how can this be possible?
How can Zuckerberg determine what you can post to your friends? How can Goya`s products be removed from grocery store shelves? How can California`s Governor shut down thousands of small businesses, while he shuts down your Thanksgiving and props his fee up with his own friends and family for the holiday? Have you forgotten how “Russia, Russia, Russia” was published falsely from continent to continent, while Joe`s obvious collusion with China was effectively removed from the web`s top sites and deemed a farce after actual evidence emerged? Do you not understand what is happening? Have you looked up my inmate number in the Bureau of Prisons? Do you not understand what happens to people like me who decide to go after the Federal Reserve or people like our President who elect to “drain the swamp?” You can`t fix something that is so deeply rooted in corruption like Washington D.C. It simply isn`t possible and it`s why I`m sayin the web is dead — at least for the free man.
So what do we do? Well, we have to rebuild the web — a mission I`ve been on for four years. I realized that we had to rebuild the web in a way where this simply cannot happen again. It must be completely decentralized and force anything and everything built on top of it to be completely decentralized as well. The people of the web, not the companies, must be in control of the web — which means having a built-in governance and an honest election system is a must: we must eliminate the need for web hosting companies and decentralize the domain name system. This new web must be powered by the people`s computers, instead of centralized service providers. Sound unrealistic? At one point, I thought so as well, until I began piecing everything together and was able to launch the dWeb on July 4th of this year. While the dWeb does not include some of the things I mentioned, like a decentralized domain name system, it will soon. On the other hand, the dWeb is currently powered on the computers of those who use it, is governed by an elected body and forces anything and everything built on top of it to operate in a completely decentralized fashion. There is much more to it than that, but you get the point — we`ve reimagined the web. We`ve put the web back in the hands of the people who use it.
Building a better web, where our companies can thrive, news can actually propagate and our voices can be heard, may be one of the most important battles for freedom since 1775. It won`t be easy. In fact, we must be all in on this effort. At Peeps, we`re happy to be leading the charge, from the development of the dWeb itself, to some of the dWeb`s first apps including dSocial and dWallet. But we can`t do it alone. Whether you`re developing your own apps or you want to help support our development or marketing efforts, your involvement is crucial.
Over the course of the last few years, over $220,000 has been contributed to the development of the dWeb by people like you. This was during the days before we even had a website and were simply researching various projects and technologies that we could utilize in the process of developing a better web. Today, we have a growing team surrounding our mission and because of patriots like you, we`ve been lucky to have the ability to continue paying them. But that team is increasing and our bills are expanding as we push to spread the word about the dweb around the world.
Currently, we`re planning radio commercials across most conservative radio stations, as well as a PR campaign across many conservative news outlets. We`re also hiring more American developers in an effort to speed up the development of dSocial, dWallet, dSearch and other dWeb-based applications that will help us spread the dWeb across the globe and help bring freedom to many Americans who need it.
If you would like to donate to those efforts, you can do so by visiting https://peepsx.com/fund.
We do still use PayPal for the time being but also accept crypto donations as well. If you would like to donate cryptocurrency, we will soon begin accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin donations using our wallet system (you can too) once we launch dWallet`s latest update.
Lastly, if for any reason our Peeps website has been taken offline, you can always download dBrowser and access the Peeps website via the dWeb://. How about that?
For more information on the dWeb and other developer tools, check out the following links:
Or if you`re trying to see how we`re Making The Web Great Again, visit https://peepsx.com