We’re Making the Web Great Again

8 min readJul 4, 2020


When Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet, I don’t think he ever envisioned that it would be overtaken by a cartel of software developers looking to impose their Marxist ideologies on the Internet’s end-users. Did Tim ever think that it would be used to censor free thought and ideas or that Facebook would use it for performing dangerous psychological experiments on its users? I doubt it. Sadly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what the big tech cartel is utilizing the worldwide web for these days. What has been taking place on the web the past few years is completely anti-American and by no coincidence, is being carried out by many American companies.

This has gone on for far too long and as Americans we must do something to restore freedom online. Some will say that the centralized web is too big to abandon and that we simply need better regulations on the books. They must have forgotten all of the laws on the books already that have only served the purpose of allowing companies to gain more and more control of a web that is already overly-centralized to begin with. I’ve been developing on the centralized web since the late 90s and early 2000s and I’ve seen how effective our government can be when it comes to regulating technologies that they don’t understand. Even when the SEC came after me when they were looking to regulate cryptocurrencies (SEC v. AriseBank), their lawyers had no idea what a cryptocurrency was and still don’t. We don’t need lawyers trying to legislate technology, when the code can do that far more effectively. After all, in the words of Stan Larimer — “the code IS the law”.

We need a better web, but it goes much deeper than that. We need a web that is immutably designed to programmatically protect the most important rights of its users, as well as the businesses and developers who build upon it. We need a web that forces developers to develop software ethically, while also forcing them to design software that protects the most precious rights of their users. We need a web that’s policed and maintained by the majority of its end-users, rather than special interest groups and their slaves in Washington. We need a web where its end-users cannot be targeted and exploited by hackers. A web that doesn’t allow apps to censor their users, where users not only own and control the data they curate but a place where they earn for their data as well, rather than greedy corporations. Ultimately, we need a web where a digital meritocracy can be brought to life, where users can easily vote on the web’s governance, as well as its improvements, so that the web itself can never be controlled or manipulated by anyone other than the majority of its end-users.

A web like this would protect its users from rogue actors, where a user’s private information would always remain safe and secure. It wouldn’t allow its social networks and search engines to exploit the privacy of their users either, ultimately forcing apps to give their users full control of their accounts, as well as the data they curate. A web like this would be protected from illicit activity, its apps could never censor their users and would certainly be a safe place for users of all ages, race and localities. Simply put, a web like this could never be controlled by tyrants, abused by businesses or developers or ever used to exploit its end-users. While a web like that sounds like an unreachable utopia, I can certainly understand how you arrived at that opinion, but I have news for you — that kind of web is on the horizon; in fact, we’re launching it today.

To all of those who are tired of the constant censorship by social networks and hosting providers, the forced acceptance of Marxist ideologies by apps (see Bumble) or the fear of having your website or business removed from the web or app stores (see Gab, Infowars, etc.), because of your views or ideologies — there is light at the end of the tunnel. For the past four years, myself, a group of developers from around the world, as well as other concerned Americans, have embarked on a journey to create a decentralized, autonomous version of the worldwide web, amongst many other things and that journey has been nothing short of epic. We have invested all of our own resources in order to bring this vision to fruition, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars and have truly dedicated our lives to a cause that we feel is greater than our own existence. I have led our entire development team from a jail cell for the past year and a half just to get this project to where it is today. If that doesn’t put our devotion to this cause into words, I have no idea what will. This politicized prison journey of mine was simply a test of how much we truly wanted to change the world and I’m proud of the advancements that we’ve made in the process. This is no longer a knock on our record — it’s an achievement. It was the actions against Infowars, Gab and conservative thought leaders that has continued to motivate our team to create a better web, even through the most trying times and it is something that has given our work true purpose. After a four-year fight, all of us at Peeps are finally ready to unveil what we’re dubbing the “dWeb” and “dSocial”, the world’s first truly decentralized and censorship-resistant social network.

The dWeb is a massive project and if you’re looking for a technical explanation of its features, you should read the Arisen whitepaper (https://github.com/arisenio/technical-whitepaper) of if you’re looking for a technical breakdown from an app’s perspective, you should read the dSocial whitepaper (https://github.com/peepsx/dsocial-whitepaper), as both provide an excellent overview. Although, while both of these papers explain many of dWeb’s features and use-cases, if they were to explain every corner of the dWeb’s massive ecosystem, they would go on presumably forever. Nevertheless, the dWeb brings to life many important features and advancements when compared to the centralized web, including the following:

- Nobody owns the dWeb, nor can anyone control it. This crucial feature is backed by the laws of mathematics.

- Apps are all forced to use the same universal authentication system, which means a user can use a single account to login to any app on the dWeb.

- By design, users control their accounts and authenticate with apps without ever exposing their credentials, a process that is based around public key cryptography.

- Apps do not store user data or any data for that matter and are still able to authenticate users — almost like magic.

- Users cannot be hacked or exploited, period. It would literally take hackers years to figure out a user’s private credentials, even with the most powerful computer systems.

- App-related data is immutably stored across dWeb’s peer-to-peer network within multi-index databases, once the network cryptographically verifies that it truly derived from a particular user.

- All data related to a user is controlled by the user and not the app. This means apps cannot remove (censor) the data of a user. Only a user can remove their data from the dWeb.

- The dWeb uses decentralized domain names (.dcom, .dnet, .dweb, etc.), which means apps fully control their domains, like users control their accounts and data; therefore, domains cannot be seized and websites cannot be censored.

- The files of websites and web applications are collectively hosted across the computers of the users who view and use them, which means the dWeb is completely server-less and websites/apps cannot be taken offline. This also means that there is zero overhead when it comes to hosting websites and apps on the dWeb.

- It is impossible for hackers to hack websites and applications due to the way they are distributed and how/where they store their data.

- Users and apps use decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and RISE (RIX) for payments, meaning nobody can stop a business from conducting business.

- The users of the dWeb elect a 21-member governance who have the delegated authority through a 15/21 vote to freeze domain names (apps/websites) and accounts (users) who partake in criminal activity listed within the dWeb’s constitution. This ensures the dWeb will never be used by developers to create the next Silk Road.

When I say that I’m just skimming the surface with these features, I truly am. With today being July 4th, it was the perfect day to begin the launch of an all-new web that truly embodies freedom and patriotism, rather than tyranny and human exploitation. dWeb sets out to prove that users and apps can both be empowered at the same time, while still empowering each other as well. The dWeb is quite the achievement and in my honest opinion, one of those great American inventions created in a time of need and one that gives the dWeb true purpose. So today, we’re launching dWeb’s core infrastructure and over the next few days and weeks, we will launch off apps and tools for browsing the dWeb, searching the dWeb, developing dWeb-based apps and websites and of course, dSocial, the world’s first truly decentralized and censorship-resistant social network. So how can you get involved? Today, we have launched a viral system on the centralized web so that users can reserve their dSocial username (PeepsID) and help promote the dWeb revolution to their friends via centralized social media platforms. Those who take part will receive 1000 RISE (RIX) coins and can download the all-new dWallet app to manage those RIX coins, as well as their newly created PeepsID.

You can get started at: https://signup.dsocial.network/welcome

You can also view the all-new Peeps website on the centralized web via https://peepsx.com, as well as many of the awesome projects we have in the works at PeepsLabs like dBrowser, which will soon allow you to browse the dWeb, including the dWeb version of the Peeps website via dweb://peeps.dcom.

Lastly, we have been quiet for some time but with all of the horrible things going on in our country, we could wait no longer. To all of the patriots out there, with your support, we can collectively migrate from a tyrannical and overly centralized web to a web that will truly empower our businesses, our families and our daily American lives. dWeb is compatible with popular programming languages like JavaScript, HTML and CSS as well as popular web development frameworks like React.JS, Angular and Vue.JS. This will allow for most modern web apps and websites to easily make the transition to a web that is completely server-less, one that has far less overhead, is more secure for both its apps and users and one that simply performs better in all facets when compared to the centralized web. The big tech cartel will certainly attempt to destroy our centralized web presence out of fear but that will do no harm whatsoever to the dWeb and will only strengthen its purpose. With that said, head on over to https://signup.dsocial.network, reserve your account and help put Twitter, Facebook and Google on notice that We The People have an alternative and we refuse to be exploited, manipulated, censored or silenced any longer. It’s time to fight back. If I can do this from a jail cell, as a collective we can build a web that works for us and truly makes the web great again.

- Jared Rice Sr.

Inventor of the dWeb

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Read more about dWeb and Arisen here:


Read a detailed overview of dWeb’s first decentralized application here:





Written by Peeps

The creators of the #dweb and the world’s first decentralized and censorship-resistant social network. We’re about to #DecentralizeEverything.

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