By: Jared Rice Sr.
Democrats have made hundreds of thousands of votes appear out of no where and it`s safe to say that the fix is in. If you`re a patriot and watched Trump`s massive leads eventually disappear in all of the major battleground states, then you understand the state of our union — it`s a cesspool of corruption. It`s a miracle that all of the non-battleground states have had no problem counting their votes, yet most of the battleground states abruptly chose to go home when Trump was leading across the board, take a nap and play like they were having technical difficulties — rather than focus on the very integrity our election system that Americans are supposed to depend upon. They`re taping cardboard on windows and attempting to hide what they have done to us for so many past elections. In truth, they`re not really hiding anything. They`re blatantly showing us how fraudulent they truly are. What I saw last night from the corrupt factions within our country was one of the most shameful things I`ve ever seen but it has come as no surprise to any of us at Peeps. I`m not surprised, I`m even more motivated than I was yesterday. Thank God we have the dWeb this morning.
Sadly, If they do hand the election to Joe Biden, you would essentially have until inauguration day to migrate and safeguard your websites and your apps on the dWeb. I will go ahead and predict, that in the event something like that happens, that conservative voices would certainly be censored on the web via the suspension of domain names, servers and the like. I`m still a believer that President Trump will win this election, although I always prepare for the worst. I`m used to certain forces within our political system in America taking part in massive levels of fraud but regardless, we must be prepared. Let me change my tone. Even when Donald Trump IS re-elected, they will still attack conservative voices in ways you have never seen before. When they get angry, they burn down buildings. They will burn down your online presence too and regardless of the results, all of us must be prepared for a day where we simply aren`t allowed to have a presence on the traditional web.
Anyone who has witnessed the chicanery that has taken place the past four years, knew deep down they were going to attempt to steal this election. Democrats expected a landslide and when their widely predicted “blue wave” failed to appear, they began printing ballots, sneaking in thumb drives, boarding up windows and playing like they were having trouble with counting ballots. Look at how the media is attempting to cover up Arizona. As I write this, they`re attempting to steal Georgia. Look at how wrong the polls were and how many lies have been told to Americans across our great country, just during the last four weeks of their communist propaganda. Ballot counters are walking around with Biden/Harris face masks on for crying out loud. It`s totally illegal. Even election officials are doing it! How does one expose this fraud online, without being censored or being “fact checked?” When Eric Trump was holding a press conference yesterday, the moment he started speaking about the ongoing fraud occurring throughout America, Fox News abruptly stopped broadcasting the press conference. They`re doing everything they can to depress our base but let me tell you — Donald J. Trump is going to win this election — but we must fight back. Our livelihood must not be in the hands of big tech. We cannot allow them to control the narrative. The dWeb is a place where information lives forever and we must use it to your advantage. We must use it to get information out there.
I can`t stress enough the importance of fighting back. Nobody has been louder about corruption in our government than me. I lost my freedom attempting to expose that corruption and I continue to fight back by creating tools for patriots like yourself, but I cannot continue doing this on my own. We need people like you to help expand the dWeb. Tell your web developer friends. Tell your business acquaintances. Tell every single one of your friends too. Defeating big tech is an important fight to win, if we plan on taking our country back from these thugs and the dWeb is a major onramp for that. It truly is our only available tool. It will take a fight to pull off something like that. It won`t be easy BUT it must be done.
In the next few days, we will debut the dMessenger app for iOS, Android and the dWeb, which will allow users on the dWeb to create public, as well as private chat rooms. It is just the beginning, but it will allow people like you to understand the power of the dWeb itself and why it`s such a major threat to big tech. It also lays the land for the launch of dSocial and other powerful platforms we plan on launching by Christmas. Although, we can`t be the only group of developers choosing to build upon what we`re calling Internet 2.0 — we need conservative developers from around the world to take part. There may not be many of us — but we must stick together here.
It`s crucial that we come together to fight big tech. If you`re a web developer, you can learn how to develop apps and publish websites on the dWeb by reading the Arisen developer documentation via and dBrowser`s documentation via Developing on the dWeb is no different than developing on the traditional web, in fact, it`s actually easier. Although, if you`re just a freedom lover who wants to help support our development, you can do so by joining our “Patriots Club” for $5/month at We need all of the support we can get. To date a majority of the money we`re spending on developing things like the dWeb are coming out of our own pockets but our support is growing amongst patriots like yourself and we appreciate any support can you push our way.
In the end, our fight against big tech continues — regardless of what the election results are. From my view, after watching this election, the dWeb and our fight to take the Internet back has never been more important than it is today. It will take a movement but I`m a full believer that we can come together and build a better Internet. I took that bet four years ago when I decided to build the dWeb and that mission is more alive today than it has ever been. The fight is on my friends, the fight is on.