How You Can Preserve & Distribute Election Fraud Evidence On The dWeb
We must fight back and help President Trump, as well as the President`s legal team, secure election fraud evidence so that all evidence remains intact for the courts and law enforcement. I have said time and time again that the dWeb is much more than just Internet 2.0. The most important aspect one must understand is that the dWeb, at its very core, enables the distribution of data between peers on the network without a single central point of failure. It is also impossible — let me repeat, impossible — for hackers to remove or alter the data once its posted and shared on the dWeb.
It`s easy to publish and distribute data like election fraud evidence on the dWeb. It you have evidence of election fraud, upload it to where you see fit, but rest assured that Russian and Chinese hackers are actively monitoring centralized systems and Google, Facebook and Twitter and will quickly delete or alter data that resides on their servers.
To secure election fraud evidence, upload to the dWeb and distribute to others by following these simple instructions:
- Download dBrowser for MacOS, Windows and Linux at or
2. Open dBrowser
3. At. the top right, you will see a “3-line” menu, click it.
4. You will see the option “Create A dDrive” in the menu, click it.
5. A popup will appear. In that popup, type a name and description for this evidence.
6. Click “Create” — this will create a distributed drive for the preservation and distribution of your evidence.
Adding Evidence to a dDrive:
- In dBrowser, open a new tab.
2. You will see a section that says “My dDrives” and you will see the dDrive you created in step 6 above.
3. Select it — it should navigate you to the dweb:// link of the dDrive.
4. In the top menu, select “Drive”.
5. In the “Drive” dropdown, select “Import Files” and select the files that you consider to be evidence. Note: If it`s a folder, instead of individual files, you can also select “Import Folder”.
6. Note: you are the only person that can alter the data in the dDrive.
How to Share Evidence:
- Sharing evidence is easy. Simply take the “dweb://” link address and share it with the Trump campaign.
2. You can also get others to download dBrowser and share the same link with them.
3. Many of us use dBrowser every day and you can share your link in many of our Telegram communities like and
4. Also make sure to send this evidence to “”.
5. IMPORTANT: Get all of your friends to download dBrowser and share this link with them so that they can see this evidence. That way, if your computer goes offline, your files will remain viewable.
In the coming days, we will be launching other facilities for sharing evidence using dWeb links, so please bare with us. For now, please share your dDrive everywhere you can. Be mindful, on the traditional web this evidence will be blocked but will always be available on the dWeb. We have been preparing for this very moment and it`s why we built the dWeb in the first place.
We must not accept this fraudulent election. We must fight back. If anyone understands this game, I do. Russian and Chinese hackers are working with big tech to find evidence stored on your computer or mobile device. If you`re using one of their apps, they have access to your computer or mobile device and are actively scanning your files. If you have evidence, you should immediately delete those apps from your computer or mobile device.
Spread the word everywhere on how evidence can be published and distributed across the dWeb. It`s crucial that word gets out. If you`re having issues, download the “Telegram” app and go to where there are patriots waiting to help.
Don`t worry about all of the conservatives out there who are asking us to lay down and walk away. They`re just as dirty as Biden. The deep state is real — I have lived in it for two years. This time, we will expose them. We must be patient and must keep the faith. Most importantly, we must be smarter than the opposition and the dWeb can help us in that regard.
Fight On!
Jared Rice Sr.
Peeps Labs